Intellectual Outputs

Project Code:2023-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000150957


Social Psychology Research Report

This report will detail the findings of the research conducted to measure attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions about insect consumption. It will include analysis and insights garnered from the study, providing valuable information for understanding societal perspectives on insect consumption.

Cooking Insects Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

Comprising seven modules, this MOOC will offer comprehensive training on cooking with insects. Each module will cover different aspects of insect cuisine, including preparation methods, nutritional benefits, and culinary techniques. Participants will gain practical skills and knowledge to incorporate insects into their cooking repertoire.

Guidelines for Promoting Insect Consumption

This deliverable will consist of a set of 14 guidelines aimed at promoting insect consumption and encouraging its inclusion in menus. These guidelines will provide practical recommendations and strategies for businesses and organizations to adopt in order to shift perceptions and promote the consumption of insects. They will serve as a valuable resource for stakeholders interested in embracing insect-based food options.

Workshop Social Psychology Research Methodology

Workshop Insect Food Technology